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Showing posts with label Achievement(s). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Achievement(s). Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

MadeMe(UK) Review By Miss K L Slomczynski 

I set this up due to not being 100% Happy with Etsy, that is an other online cerative business shop platform for people that work more with in the Art and Media Indusrty.

The one thing that I can say is, please read the tearms and conditions of any on line shop platform and watch out for "Hiden Cost." and "How/Whe  they pay."

Also seeting up these on line platformas can be very time consuming and it it will still be down to you to manage the every day running of your "on line store." and "promoting/cross promoting." to gain sale.

I only really use mine to proote and display my work and show case what I can do when it come to producing art work.

Not really for profit due to the amount of money you could earn being commission basis usally between 5-25% (below National Minium Wage.)

So please feel free to view my on line work and work that I help to show case for local Artists and small business with in my home town and form the Heart for the United Kingdom.

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Alice in Wonderland Down the Rabbit hole. By Lewis Carroll


Alice in Wonderland Down the Rabbit hole. By Lewis Carroll

Chapter I: Down the Rabbit-Hole -

it is the 24th May 2021 and once again I have had a fight with my ex. It always seam that when people fight they always seam to fight about about the same things.

Death and Taxes

Family and Friends

Property and money

Where should we go on holiday this year? Should we take the kids? Should we kennel the dog? Should we get some to house sit?

Over the last almost two years the world that we once knew is no more.

Ever since I was young I have wanted to be self-employed and run my own business I am now almost 40 and I should may be look at making a B-movie or sitcom of how many times I have failed.

Also I know is that I can not take one more shitty course on how to become self employed where some mild-aged person stands in front of a slid show.

Showing you that if you do A, B, C then you will get to D and be a millionaire with in three years.

So what do I do?

All I know it that I have had 101 and Jobs since leaving high school and now I am a full time mother to three child.

Who love to say “I hate you mum!”

So what so I do?

How do I move forward with out having to take 10 steps back and going down the “Rabbit Hole” like am “Alice in Wonderland.?” By Lewis Carroll alice in wonderland - Bing

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Winter rising the gardening

  Winter rising the gardening

One of the thing that I still have not done yet this year is to winter rising garden and to plant my bulbs for next year. I always keep saying tomorrow and then it rains or the boys need me.

So my aim is to wineries the garden by 1st December this year and to make sure that I am ready for next year to start all over again.

Monday, 2 November 2020

Using Ink and Stampers

 Using Ink and Stampers

Going bacvk to basics, I have manges to purchase some stampers and now I am looking at going back to basics and to learn how use them to make art work, print fabric, make hadmade cards and wraping paper with them.

Just lkike when any thing practices makes perfect and so is the ablilty to take you time and have the ablilty to try and try again.

Before typwirters and ptinters tht we have today, everyintg would have been printed using printing blocks espical things like the local  new paper.

So I will try with my children to print some homemade gist fro your friends and family this year and hopefully for many years to come.

Sunday, 20 September 2020

UK Produced/ Printed Fabric

 UK Produced/ Printed Fabric

One of the things that I am passionate about achieving for when I become self employed again is to have at lest 99.99% of everything that I sell to be hand made by self or my co-workers and to be made and produced with in the UK.

Dearly I am looking to work with business with in a 30 mile radius of where I live or work.

One thing that I have been looking at if Fabric that is produced or printed in the UK.  I love working with raw materials so that you can then use then to design anything you like yourself and to enable you end product to be bespoke or mass produced.

By aiming to keep my suppliers local I am aiming to create jobs within my local area and it will also enable me to work with these companies on a more personal level.

Yes Could have things made oversea and at half the prices but what quality will I get and what with the environmental impact be by do so in the long run.

SO my aim is to still make a design products for  Campervans, Classic Car and Narrowboat industry  and also people that are interested in natural handmade products with in their lives.

Monday, 30 December 2019

KABFA, KABFA Designs 30th December 2019

With January 2020 around the corner I am going to focus on setting a goal for every month and in January it is going to be to plan for 2020 and see what I can achieve by 1st February 2020.

So what is January about?

What events are happening in January?

I will find out and see what I can achieve in the first 31 days of the year.