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Friday, 3 January 2020

KABFA, KABFA Designs Back to the drawing board 2020

Back to the drawing broad. 2020.

Now that we have reached 2020 I need to look at where I am aiming to be in the next few months. When you are at school you are asked where do you see yourself in the next 5 years which is a long way a way when you are 15.

But add 20year to that and you find that you are still living hand to mouth and relying on the bank of mum and dad if you are lucky to still have parents then you really need to look at where you need to be and how you are going to get there.

Unfortunately we still live in a society where women are second rate when it comes to job opportunities and equal pay. With men it is the pressure to succeed and are not given the same equal opportunities when it comes to things like being rehoused if they become homeless.

So where do I go from here?

First things first I need to find how much do I need per month to live on and what financial aid I am be able to claim.

Then I need to look at when I can work around my children so that I can work the same amount of hours per week.

Managing my work load will also help me to so that I can plan and mange my time more effectively.

So by the time my youngest is 2 years old I can hopefully start working full time again.

Sunday, 13 October 2019


When I say that I am updating myself, I mean my online self.

Ever since the internet and social media sites were invented, their seams to be more on line of ones self then one may whish.

By this happening it is easier for anyone to be come venerable and become a victim.

Many potential future contacts that you may whish to have with someone will mean that they are likely to google you first.

Sometimes this can be positive, but mostly it is a negative result and can back fire on you.

So protecting your self online is very import and knowing how to protect your online self is very import.

This is also not to protect yourself but your family to, epically your children.

If there are things on line that you no longer whish to be on line that are picked up by google you can contact them and request fro them to be removed including things like on address, and images.

However this many take some time and not work right away.

One thing that I always recomend people to do is goggle them self at lest every six months and make sure that you are happy with what you find.

One thing that I did not know was when I have set some of my images to private on model websites, facebook and YouTube that they can still be picked up by google and be viewed.

So it pays to check online settings before joining and posting anything online first.