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Showing posts with label Gift(s). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gift(s). Show all posts

Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Things that you can do with Conkers


Things that you can do with Conkers

I have added some link(s) of what you can do with Conkers

I hope you find them useful.

Being Closer to Nature

     Being Closer to Nature

I think that one thing that I love about home schooling is the ability to get closer to nature and to chose what items I use to teach my children and where I buy them from.

One thing that I have always done with my children is to teach them that second-hand is OK to buy despite Covid 19.

I was not brought up to use second-hand and was told to always buy new, but now that I am a parent I am happy to teach.





is the new way to live life.

So one thing that I am looking at doing is to keep some of the things that I teach seasonal and to be more closer to nature and use what we have around use to learn who to live life to the full.

This year we were not really able to do any foraging like we have in the past, so I am going to use the items that I already have around the house and have not done any thing with yet.

What we will do is make then in to gifts for our family and friends and also to decorate the house with.

So please follow us during our gift making session over the next few day(s)

Monday, 16 August 2021

Redbubble Volksbolts and KABFA Designs

 Redbubble Volksbolts and KABFA Designs

We have been updating our Redbuble account over teh last few weeks now that now products can be designed by our staff and produced.

So if you are loking for a gift for a friend, family member, that extra person in your life and even for your self; then why not few our Redbubble Store.

For more information please contact use direct.

Monday, 2 November 2020

Using Ink and Stampers

 Using Ink and Stampers

Going bacvk to basics, I have manges to purchase some stampers and now I am looking at going back to basics and to learn how use them to make art work, print fabric, make hadmade cards and wraping paper with them.

Just lkike when any thing practices makes perfect and so is the ablilty to take you time and have the ablilty to try and try again.

Before typwirters and ptinters tht we have today, everyintg would have been printed using printing blocks espical things like the local  new paper.

So I will try with my children to print some homemade gist fro your friends and family this year and hopefully for many years to come.