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Showing posts with label Monthly Wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monthly Wednesday. Show all posts

Monday, 6 November 2023

New for 2024 KABFA/KABFA DESIGNS By Miss K L Slomczynski

 I can not belive that an other year is all most over.

Today I would like to take a few moments to remmber a very dear freind of mine that past away.

I is during this time of reflextion thatI always come back to nature and how important wild life and conservation is to me.

I always love being close to nature and aiming to recude my own personal carbon foot print.

So again for 2024 I am going back to the drawing borad to see if self employment would be an option for me in 2024 and for me to leave a positive futre not just for my children, but for my childrens children too.

Saturday, 9 October 2021

October 2021 Nest Egg Ideas, should I have for the future?

 October 2021 Nest Egg Ideas, should I have for the future?

This is a question at I often ask me self and one that every month I try to think about.

You can not go a day without hearing something about saving and investments.

Most of the time adverts are about death and life after death, for your family and loved ones.

They are about planning for your referment and also your funeral.

For me personal may saving and investment adverts never seam to be about the now.

When Covid 19 hit everyone was effect in one way or another.

In many ways those with saving and investments that could not be easy accessed or liquidated into cash I believe struggled the most.

It was these people who may have had to have made the decision about keeping their savings and investments and not looking at claiming government aid or seeing if they could "cash out" so they could.

This was due to the basic rule that if you had savings/investments over £6,000 you could not claim benefits from the government during lock down.

What a believe is that a lot of people forget about the now!

Yes in the past I did look at the future, I looked a ISA's, Help to buy my first home property schemes, yet they all seamed to have a lot of red tape wrapped around them.

So for me they where like the perfect Christmas gift, but it was like playing the "Chocolate game to get it"

Now the chocolate game for those who do not know what it is is this.

You have a block of chocolate wrapped up on a table.

To get to it you need to roll a six on a die.

You them need to put on a hat

Put on a scarf

Put on a pair of gloves

You them must run/walk over to the table that is about 3 feet away froj you.

You then must use the knife and folk to open the warped up chocolate with.

In the mean time everyone else's who is playing the game, can take it in turns to roll a six on the die too.

If they roll a six you must hand over every thing to them so that they can try to open the chocolate , you have to go back and start all over again.

Once the cholate is opened you are only allowed to eat one piece at a time, in full.

I have played this game may times ion my childhood, the winner is the one who gets to eat the last piece of chocolate and they won a full bar.

So in many ways it paid to not get a six and to let everyone else do all of the hard work for you.

Another game was a flour hill with a chocolate on top.  For this one you had to make sure that the chocolate ever fell, if it did you have to eat it.  So a bit like life, being a house of cards so to speak.

So one thing that I posted "gear change." was making sure that before anything else's that maybe you look at your budget first.

I try to do this once a month, and then if you have time look at how to save money, cut bill costs, spending costs and then maybe savings and investments.

One website that I do use and have found to be helpful is I have listed below along with some others.

Good luck.

Saturday, 17 July 2021

Up dating information

 Hello thank you for viewing my blog I aim to update every thing over the next few months.  If you have any questions then please ask.

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Alice in Wonderland Down the Rabbit hole. By Lewis Carroll


Alice in Wonderland Down the Rabbit hole. By Lewis Carroll

Chapter I: Down the Rabbit-Hole -

it is the 24th May 2021 and once again I have had a fight with my ex. It always seam that when people fight they always seam to fight about about the same things.

Death and Taxes

Family and Friends

Property and money

Where should we go on holiday this year? Should we take the kids? Should we kennel the dog? Should we get some to house sit?

Over the last almost two years the world that we once knew is no more.

Ever since I was young I have wanted to be self-employed and run my own business I am now almost 40 and I should may be look at making a B-movie or sitcom of how many times I have failed.

Also I know is that I can not take one more shitty course on how to become self employed where some mild-aged person stands in front of a slid show.

Showing you that if you do A, B, C then you will get to D and be a millionaire with in three years.

So what do I do?

All I know it that I have had 101 and Jobs since leaving high school and now I am a full time mother to three child.

Who love to say “I hate you mum!”

So what so I do?

How do I move forward with out having to take 10 steps back and going down the “Rabbit Hole” like am “Alice in Wonderland.?” By Lewis Carroll alice in wonderland - Bing

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Wednesday 18th November 2020

  Wednesday 18th November 2020

I can not believe that we are drawing so close to the end of an other year and the one thing that I can think of is how lucky that I am to still be alive and to be able to watch my children grow each day.

The hardest job I have had to do is to not just take care of myslef because no one else will do that for you, but to take care of my family.

I have used this time to go back to the drawing board and to work on my future goals and who I can hopefully move forward in 2021 and how my children will also.

One of the main things that I have done is go back to basics and I have done this by taking the time to draw up a budget plan and to try and average out my incomings and outgoings over the last 6 months so that I can start planing for the future.

I will add a budget plan link to this blog, if I have not already added one.