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Monday, 1 February 2021

Where is my HeArt Now?


Where is my HeArt Now?

Over the last few years I have really been trying to get back into my art.

The now thing that I do not like doing is mass produced products where you are paid fro a piece of art work per unit.

One thing that I have always loved is the opportunity to make one off pieces of art work that people can enjoy.

The only problem with that is that nothing is ever really unique or one offers any more.

Where ever you look at great works of art you can now find copies of them on pretty much any thing in the world.

So what I have chosen today is to keep all of the original pieces of art work that I have created at this moment in time just for myslef and I am looking at sell photos of them on line.

I am also looking at selling a few one off pieces of work again in the future but not until I have built up my portfolio of work first.

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