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Showing posts with label Music Information Link(s). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music Information Link(s). Show all posts

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Kate Bush - This Woman's Work (Lyrics) (From The Mother)

I love this song, it was use in "The Handmaids Tale." series and always makes me cry.

It always remionds me of the song "Living years By Mike + The Mechanics

The Living Years is a song that was released by the English pop/rock group Mike + The Mechanics (Mike and the Mechanics) in 1988. The lyrics of the song talk about a son who is so full of regret for not resolving his conflict with his father before his father’s demise.

Monday, 19 December 2022

LadBaby | Food Aid (Official Music Video)

Welcome please stay tuned for 2023 and how over 365 day I help to support charities locally, regional, nationally and internationally.

Sunday, 27 February 2022

Enchanted Celtic Music | 432 Hz Nature Music | Magical Forest Sounds

The one thing that I believe that a lot of people do not do is have some me time.  Time to just relax.  I am not talking about sleeping, I mean "ME Time."

Now that I am home schooling again, I always have some "Me Time" where I will just listen to some music and close my eyes and breath.