UK Produced/ Printed Fabric
One of the things that I am passionate about achieving for when I become self employed again is to have at lest 99.99% of everything that I sell to be hand made by self or my co-workers and to be made and produced with in the UK.
Dearly I am looking to work with business with in a 30 mile radius of where I live or work.
One thing that I have been looking at if Fabric that is produced or printed in the UK. I love working with raw materials so that you can then use then to design anything you like yourself and to enable you end product to be bespoke or mass produced.
By aiming to keep my suppliers local I am aiming to create jobs within my local area and it will also enable me to work with these companies on a more personal level.
Yes Could have things made oversea and at half the prices but what quality will I get and what with the environmental impact be by do so in the long run.
SO my aim is to still make a design products for Campervans, Classic Car and Narrowboat industry and also people that are interested in natural handmade products with in their lives.