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Showing posts with label DIY Project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY Project. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

MadeMe(UK) Review By Miss K L Slomczynski 

I set this up due to not being 100% Happy with Etsy, that is an other online cerative business shop platform for people that work more with in the Art and Media Indusrty.

The one thing that I can say is, please read the tearms and conditions of any on line shop platform and watch out for "Hiden Cost." and "How/Whe  they pay."

Also seeting up these on line platformas can be very time consuming and it it will still be down to you to manage the every day running of your "on line store." and "promoting/cross promoting." to gain sale.

I only really use mine to proote and display my work and show case what I can do when it come to producing art work.

Not really for profit due to the amount of money you could earn being commission basis usally between 5-25% (below National Minium Wage.)

So please feel free to view my on line work and work that I help to show case for local Artists and small business with in my home town and form the Heart for the United Kingdom.

Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Things that you can do with Conkers


Things that you can do with Conkers

I have added some link(s) of what you can do with Conkers

I hope you find them useful.

Being Closer to Nature

     Being Closer to Nature

I think that one thing that I love about home schooling is the ability to get closer to nature and to chose what items I use to teach my children and where I buy them from.

One thing that I have always done with my children is to teach them that second-hand is OK to buy despite Covid 19.

I was not brought up to use second-hand and was told to always buy new, but now that I am a parent I am happy to teach.





is the new way to live life.

So one thing that I am looking at doing is to keep some of the things that I teach seasonal and to be more closer to nature and use what we have around use to learn who to live life to the full.

This year we were not really able to do any foraging like we have in the past, so I am going to use the items that I already have around the house and have not done any thing with yet.

What we will do is make then in to gifts for our family and friends and also to decorate the house with.

So please follow us during our gift making session over the next few day(s)

Friday, 29 October 2021

"Keep moving forward."

 With Covid still hanging over everyone aiming to move forward is not easy.  It feels like all that we are doing is asking one step forward and the having to spend 14 days staring at 4 walls all over again.

So one thing that I am working on is how to set up some more community led projects/groups for 2022.

Living in the Heart of England means that getting to Nuneaton is probably one of the easiest places to reach.  You can get here by pretty much any form of transport and walking from most places usually takes a few hours too.

The main thing is to KEEP SAFE!

So I am looking at a number of places where I could run community groups from that are disability friendly, have car parking, toilet facilities and can offer basic catering options too.

The main thing that I need to look at is having the right insurance both public and employee support when required.

So please bear with me and feel fee to follow my blog(s) or other social options.

Thank you.

Sunday, 13 June 2021

How do you sell upcycled furniture? (PartOne)


How do you sell upcycled furniture? (PartOne)

Over the last year I have been trying to fix my sofa that I brought from a local charity shop about 5 years ago.

Nope due to general wear and tear I am looking at upcycling it instead of sending it to a landfill or taking it apart and reusing the fabric to make some thing new.

But how do I do this and do it right?

So I will look into this and try to break it down

Step one the second-hand sofa.

The fist thing that one should know what dose second-hand mean?




  1. (of goods) having had a previous owner; not new.

    "a second-hand car"


    used · old · nearly new · worn · pre-owned · handed-down · castoff · hand-me-down · reach-me-down

  2. (of information or experience) accepted on another's authority and not from original investigation.

    "second-hand knowledge of her country"


    indirect · secondary · derivative · derived · vicarious


  1. on the basis that something has had a previous owner.

    "tips on the pitfalls to avoid when buying second-hand"

  2. on the basis of what others have said; indirectly.

    "I was discounting anything I heard second-hand"


    indirectly · at second hand · on the bush/jungle telegraph · on the grapevine

So where can you buy a second hand sofa from?

For the answer to this question I have added link(s) below that you many find use full.

14 of the Best Online Second Hand Furniture Stores (List) - Home Stratosphere

What do I need to know before buying a second-hand sofa?

For the answer to this question I have added link(s) below that you many find use full.

Top Tips For Buying Second Hand Furniture - Preloved UK

Three Tips for Buying Second Hand Furniture Online - Live Free Creative Co

The Ten Commandments of Buying Used Furniture | Apartment Therapy

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Sofa (

Avoid These Items When Used Furniture Shopping (

How do you make sure that you second-hand sofa is safe.

For the answer to this question I have added link(s) below that you many find use full.

Furniture Safety Rules for an Accident Free Home (

Check the Safety Labels

If you’re buying soft furnishings, be sure to check they have the correct fire safety labels. For example, mattresses should have a label stating compliance with BS 7177.

does upcycled furniture need fire labels - Bing images

Second-hand upholstered furniture | Business Companion

Layout 1 (

Why are fire labels important on second-hand sofas?

For the answer to this question I have added link(s) below that you many find use full.

Why are fire labels important? - Reuse Network (

Furniture and Furnishings (Fire Safety) Regulations 1988/1989, 1993 and 2010 :

Where to find a fire label on a sofa

For the answer to this question I have added link(s) below that you many find use full.

Where to Find a Fire Label on a Sofa - Fire Safety Label (

What second-hand sofas do not need a fire safety label?

For the answer to this question I have added link(s) below that you many find use full.

The following are excluded from the controls:

  • Furniture made before 1 January 1950

  • materials for upholstery of furniture made before 1 January 1950

  • goods for export

How can I donate a Sofa?

For the answer to this question I have added link(s) below that you many find use full.

Check for fire labels - UK safety standard for upholstered items | BHF

Thursday, 25 April 2019

"When it is nort Lemons?"

When it is not Lemons?”

When it is not Lemons?”

People say “we are what we eat.” but how can this be “when it is not lemons?”

One of the things that I started to do last year was reading the packaging of what I buy, this 

made me look at where I buy things from and how much I spend.

For my main shopping I have been using Tesco's on line and have signed up to a fixed

monthly delivery service that means that I can have a delivery 3 days per week every month

providing I spend £40.00 per delivery.

This year I will shop around and see if I can cut my spending and only buy “lemons” and

 not be Sold a “LEMON.”

So last year I started looking at items and tried to STOP but any thing with Palm Oil in,
MSG and Artificial Sweeteners.

I am all for sugar and do not feel comfortable with eating a Chemistry set every meal so the 

more basic the ingrediency the better. (personal chose)

So back to the Lemons, I hate it when something claims to have Lemons in but then it says 

on the packaging, lemon flavouring, lemon essence.

I can not stand in the super market all day reading packaging so I do it at home when the 

boys are a sleep. I also look at who things are packaged to try and reduce the amount of 

products that I buy that have load of packaging that they do not need.

This year I aim to cook more at hoe form fresh so in January 2019 I will do my first shop of 

the year and by December 2019 I aim to reduce the amount of LEMONS I buy, sugar, Palm 

oil, MSG Artificial Sugar and packaging I use.

So the amount I will be spend on my January Shop is…