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KABFA Designs Facebook Page
Photo By Miss K L Slomczynski Please Click

Made Me (UK)

Made Me (UK)
Please Click on the Image(s)


Charity Number 1159682

Charity of the Month

Charity of the Month
The Royal British Legion Charity

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

MadeMe(UK) Review By Miss K L Slomczynski 

I set this up due to not being 100% Happy with Etsy, that is an other online cerative business shop platform for people that work more with in the Art and Media Indusrty.

The one thing that I can say is, please read the tearms and conditions of any on line shop platform and watch out for "Hiden Cost." and "How/Whe  they pay."

Also seeting up these on line platformas can be very time consuming and it it will still be down to you to manage the every day running of your "on line store." and "promoting/cross promoting." to gain sale.

I only really use mine to proote and display my work and show case what I can do when it come to producing art work.

Not really for profit due to the amount of money you could earn being commission basis usally between 5-25% (below National Minium Wage.)

So please feel free to view my on line work and work that I help to show case for local Artists and small business with in my home town and form the Heart for the United Kingdom.

Monday, 6 November 2023

New for 2024 KABFA/KABFA DESIGNS By Miss K L Slomczynski

 I can not belive that an other year is all most over.

Today I would like to take a few moments to remmber a very dear freind of mine that past away.

I is during this time of reflextion thatI always come back to nature and how important wild life and conservation is to me.

I always love being close to nature and aiming to recude my own personal carbon foot print.

So again for 2024 I am going back to the drawing borad to see if self employment would be an option for me in 2024 and for me to leave a positive futre not just for my children, but for my childrens children too.

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Kate Bush - This Woman's Work (Lyrics) (From The Mother)

I love this song, it was use in "The Handmaids Tale." series and always makes me cry.

It always remionds me of the song "Living years By Mike + The Mechanics

The Living Years is a song that was released by the English pop/rock group Mike + The Mechanics (Mike and the Mechanics) in 1988. The lyrics of the song talk about a son who is so full of regret for not resolving his conflict with his father before his father’s demise.

Anne of Cleves: Too Ugly for Henry VIII? Facial Re-Creations & History R...

Sunday, 21 May 2023

"What ever our souls are made of yours and mine are the same!"


"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." 

This quote is from Emily BrontĂ«‘s novel Wuthering Heights.

Kate Bush Tribute With 1980's Film Fantasy Ball F Tickets, Sat 1 Jul 2023 at 19:30 | Eventbrite

Charity Event please RSVP By 10th June 2023.

You can do this via the link(s) that I have included with this post.

Do so By 10th June 2023 then ticket(s) for food and drink are half price.

For more information please contact me.

Please share.

I am arranging this charity event to raise money for, 

Ovacome is the national UK ovarian cancer charity focused on providing support and information to anyone affected by ovarian cancer. This includes people who have either been diagnosed with the disease or think that they might be at risk, as well as their friends and family and healthcare professionals.

You can help me achive this by donating direct to my fundrasing page or attenting my charity event.

For more information please contact me via

Saturday, 18 March 2023

Charity Event for 1st July 2023


I have been working on this day since January 2023, and I am on track to making my dead line of rising £1,000 by 4th July 2023 for Ovarian Cancer support.

Any one who is interested in supporting my in order to achieve this can do so a number of ways.

You can donate direct to my Page that I have set up on the Overcome website by clinking on the link below.

Paying for a table so sell product(s) or promote your business 

Pre Ordering a charity gift(s) that will be listed for sale on line.

Attending my Charity event(s) 1st July Charity Cream Tea and Live Entertainment & 1980' Film Fantasy Masked Ball.

You can do this  by using the link(s) below.

If you are reading this then I am also adding the following Code so that you can get 5% off ticket sale from today until 1st May 2023 at 20.00

For more information please contact me.