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Charity Number 1159682

Charity of the Month

Charity of the Month
The Royal British Legion Charity

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Wednesday 18th November 2020

  Wednesday 18th November 2020

I can not believe that we are drawing so close to the end of an other year and the one thing that I can think of is how lucky that I am to still be alive and to be able to watch my children grow each day.

The hardest job I have had to do is to not just take care of myslef because no one else will do that for you, but to take care of my family.

I have used this time to go back to the drawing board and to work on my future goals and who I can hopefully move forward in 2021 and how my children will also.

One of the main things that I have done is go back to basics and I have done this by taking the time to draw up a budget plan and to try and average out my incomings and outgoings over the last 6 months so that I can start planing for the future.

I will add a budget plan link to this blog, if I have not already added one.

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