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Photo By Miss K L Slomczynski Please Click

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Charity Number 1159682

Charity of the Month

Charity of the Month
The Royal British Legion Charity

Friday, 29 March 2019

The Artisan Centre Hinckley

I visited The Artisan Centre Hinckley today and found it to be a really nice place with up and coming small craft business.  This is something that I am really interested in doing in the future.  Setting up my own small local independent business in the Art and Media.

For more information please follow the links below.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Almost April 2019

Hello, thank you for viewing my blog; please do not forget to subscribe via email to be kept up to date with any additional posts.

At the top of my blog I have added a number of local charities that I have supported and have been supported by that are near to my home town.  I am a strong believer that charity begins at home and I am looking at setting up my own local charity in the future called "The Health Boat."

"The Health Boat" is to help to support the local community of my home town and to branch out to support people with in the midlands.  It is called "The Health Boat" due to everyone being in the same boat at one time or another and that being healthy is the most important thing that I believe helps anyone have a happy and positive life.

My aim is to help to support people in being healthy in Mind, Body, Spirit, home and away.  I aim to do this by selling Vegan products and items that are sold, made and produced within the UK. With the money raised to help to support people to help them self's.

To support other I would be looking at working in partnership with other local charities, services, business, training embellishments, the NHS and the local council.

To achieve this I will need the help and support from the local community to get the ball rolling.  For now all I am asking for is for people to like and follow my fakebook page(s) and group(s)

The Health Boat.

It is not a Fad  "It's a life style change."

For more information please contact me.

If you have found any of the information on the bog of interest and would like to make a donation no matter how small please feel free top do so.

This can be done via the Pay pal link below or emailing me direct to get the address to send things to that are displayed on the Wish list.

Thank you for your support.

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Items of hire and sale

We have been got a few different items for sale in 2019, this is due to us branching out into more areas that work along side the classic car industry and the items that we sell and produce.
We are looking at designing our own products that could be purchased for friends, family and loved ones.  You can follow the links on our blog and click on the pictures that will send you to our attentional sales channels.
We are also looking at producing and selling inertia soft furnishings for camper vans, mobile homes and narrow boats; plus other alternative life styles where storage, spaces saving, functional, practical whilst still being stylish is key.
Anyone attending an event and would like to dress the part we are also selling and hiring out clothing and props for different periods in time.
Due to this being a new services we have teamed up with other local friendly business who may sell or hire what you are looking for we currently do not have the items in stock.
For more information please send us a message though or Facebook page.  and ask for clothing and prop hire/sale.

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Changes to blogging with Blogger

Following the announcement of Google+ API deprecation scheduled for March 2019, a number of changes will be made to Blogger’s Google+ integration on 4 February 2019.

Google+ widgets: Support for the “+1 Button”, “Google+ Followers” and “Google+ Badge” widgets in Layout will no longer be available. All instances of these widgets will be removed from your blog.

+1 buttons: The +1/G+ buttons and Google+ share links below blog posts and in the navigation bar will be removed.

Please note that if you have a custom template that includes Google+ features, you may need to update your template. Please contact your template supplier for advice.

Google+ Comments: Support for Google+ comments will be turned down, and all blogs using Google+ comments will be reverted back to using Blogger comments. Unfortunately, comments posted as Google+ comments cannot be migrated to Blogger and will no longer appear on your blog.

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