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KABFA Designs Facebook Page
Photo By Miss K L Slomczynski Please Click

Made Me (UK)

Made Me (UK)
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Charity Number 1159682

Charity of the Month

Charity of the Month
The Royal British Legion Charity

Monday, 22 October 2018

Alannah Myles - Black Velvet

22nd October 2018 "Manic Monday"

"Manic Monday" !

I have a meeting with my "work Coach" thought the DWP on Thursday and another scan.  That is right an other scan.

The "CAT is out of the bag" I am due to have my third "Birth Child" in December 2018.  So I have been trying to update everything on line so that when I hopefully go back to work next year (2019) All of my online information is up to date and easy to follow.

At the moment I am not working of selling any thing; you can still view previous Art work and Designs on line but currently nothing new and fresh.

I am looking at using the next few months to create something new that will go on sale for Spring 2019.

So watch this space and please feel free to offer me some free back.

I am hoping that the DWP will finally put me on the

New Enterprise Allowance: Start your own Business Scheme

For when I finally set up my business in 2019.

So finger crossed.

Friday, 19 October 2018

New for Ocober 2018

Over the last few days I have added a few new links to this blog so that you can find a few more UK and local business based in Warwickshire and also places of interest.  My main aim when I set up is to work closely with local business and communities within the Midlands and mainly with in a 30 mile radius of where I live.

If I can not find any where locally then I will go further a field and then also out source businesses with in Europe and the USA where I have friends and family living.

For more information please and any questions please contact me.

Friday, 18 May 2018


Over the next few months I will be updating all my online profiles including any items that I have listed for sale.  Most of what I sell are my own designs and products; I aim when ever possible for these products to be made in the UK or EU.

For more information please follow my blog.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Miss Katrina L Slomczynski "Happy Easter 2017/2018"

Happy Easter KABFA 2018

Happy Easter 2018 from KABFA.

Photo By KABFA Designs

With Easter just under 4 days away we would like to take this time to remind our customers that it is not to late to buy something other an Easter Eggs.

Whether you are buying for your self of a loved one please click on the links below to buy; you can even contact use direct on 07730784247 for more details.

For more information please contact use direct by phone or by email 

Mr Alan Baxter 07703784247

Please note that some of your prices may increases after April 2018.

Photo By KABFA Designs

Monday, 19 February 2018

for hire