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Charity Number 1159682

Charity of the Month

Charity of the Month
The Royal British Legion Charity

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Wednesday 18th November 2020

  Wednesday 18th November 2020

I can not believe that we are drawing so close to the end of an other year and the one thing that I can think of is how lucky that I am to still be alive and to be able to watch my children grow each day.

The hardest job I have had to do is to not just take care of myslef because no one else will do that for you, but to take care of my family.

I have used this time to go back to the drawing board and to work on my future goals and who I can hopefully move forward in 2021 and how my children will also.

One of the main things that I have done is go back to basics and I have done this by taking the time to draw up a budget plan and to try and average out my incomings and outgoings over the last 6 months so that I can start planing for the future.

I will add a budget plan link to this blog, if I have not already added one.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Wednesday 11th November 2020 Poppy seeds.

  Wednesday 11th November 2020 Poppy seeds.

Today is the day when we take the time to remmber those we have lost.  So please remember to take the time to do so.

This year because of Covid19 we are not able to collect for the Poppy Appeal like we have in the past, one of the place that we use to collect was at the Coventry  train station, we hope to be able to do this again in 2021.

One thing that we do every year is plant poppies and collect the seeds, if anyone would like a packet of seeds with their order then please let us know.

Monday, 2 November 2020

Using Ink and Stampers

 Using Ink and Stampers

Going bacvk to basics, I have manges to purchase some stampers and now I am looking at going back to basics and to learn how use them to make art work, print fabric, make hadmade cards and wraping paper with them.

Just lkike when any thing practices makes perfect and so is the ablilty to take you time and have the ablilty to try and try again.

Before typwirters and ptinters tht we have today, everyintg would have been printed using printing blocks espical things like the local  new paper.

So I will try with my children to print some homemade gist fro your friends and family this year and hopefully for many years to come.

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Volksbolts and KABFA Designs Face masks, Coverings, Redbubble

 Since January 2020 we have looked at using your art work to be sold on face masks and other posible face coverings.

This is something that a lot of companies have been do for a little over 6 months now including ourselves.

Now that the colder weather is starting to set in and Covid 19 is still at the forfrount of most health issues, manyu people are now looking at buying mace masked that can be reused.

Redbubble who we have used for a number of years now to market our Art work currently offer two diffrent face masked that can be reused; peoviding you follow Covid 19 guide lines facecovering.  

Redbubbles facemakes details and the designs that we have to offer can be fround by clicking on the link below.

For more informatiom please contact use.

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Good Read

Click on the above link so view all of the book that I curently have in my libary.  I  always aim to read alest one book a year.  Before being a full time mum I read all the time.  Although I read with my children I never seam to just do some reading just for me.

So I am looking at reading more for myslef by the end of the year and then to read at least one book a month if I can.

Monday, 28 September 2020




Over the next couple of weeks I am aiming to redesign my blog(s) ready for April 2021 When I am aiming to be up and running. For information about the products/services that I am looking at offering.

For more information please follow my blog or contact me direct.

Sunday, 20 September 2020

UK Produced/ Printed Fabric

 UK Produced/ Printed Fabric

One of the things that I am passionate about achieving for when I become self employed again is to have at lest 99.99% of everything that I sell to be hand made by self or my co-workers and to be made and produced with in the UK.

Dearly I am looking to work with business with in a 30 mile radius of where I live or work.

One thing that I have been looking at if Fabric that is produced or printed in the UK.  I love working with raw materials so that you can then use then to design anything you like yourself and to enable you end product to be bespoke or mass produced.

By aiming to keep my suppliers local I am aiming to create jobs within my local area and it will also enable me to work with these companies on a more personal level.

Yes Could have things made oversea and at half the prices but what quality will I get and what with the environmental impact be by do so in the long run.

SO my aim is to still make a design products for  Campervans, Classic Car and Narrowboat industry  and also people that are interested in natural handmade products with in their lives.