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Charity Number 1159682

Charity of the Month

Charity of the Month
The Royal British Legion Charity

Saturday, 14 March 2020


14th March 2020 “SHOPPING SMART!”

Before anyone one goes out and starts buying any thing next week, maybe this weekend is the time to look a “SHOPPING SMART.” Take some time over the next 72 hours to clean your home and pull out everything that you have in your kitchen and bathroom; even check the attic or outbuildings.

How may of use will find food and other sinlessly supplies that we have forgotten about?

Also take this time to have a “CLEAN UP AND CLEAR OUT.” so that you know what it is that you really NEED.

Because at the moment it is TIME that is going to effect everyone in the long run and their are other things that I believe that people should be doing other that “PANIC BUYING” items that they think that they may need.

At the moment no one really knows what is going to happen in the next 3sec. 3min, 3hours, 3days, 3weeks, 3months, or 3 years.

To me 3 is the magic number. So proving you have three of everything that you may NEED, then it is a start.

  • It is the time that it takes of most products that we need to last. (food, warmth, shelver)
  • It is the length of time that it can can for something do be achieved or completed.(food, warmth, shelver)
  • It is usually the amount of time someone may have to have suitable amount of, food, warmth and shelter.
  • It it probably about the amount that people have to be financial secure and get (food, warmth, shelver)
  • It is usually the length of time one can aim to stay healthy, even if they are only living on baked beans. (food, warmth, shelver)

It is these 3 key things that everyone needs on a daily basis to stay health in mind, body and spirit.
(food, warmth, shelver)

So take some time to sit down over the next 72 hours and see what it is you need and then think of the needs of those around you.

Your family
Your Friends
Your Work Colleges
Your neighbours
Your local Community
Your Regional Community
Your National Community
Your Country.

Beacuse if you can not provide these three essential things for you self first in order to stay fit and well (food, warmth, shelver)

How are you going to provide then to other people.

So look at shopping smart because if we do not then what is to say the Government will not start steeping in and doing that for us.

I for one do not want that two happen, this should be a last resort.

That way when you do your shopping you know that you only need to buy one or up to three of something that you really need.

I always look at this way “ONE MEANS NONE.”

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