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Charity Number 1159682

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The Royal British Legion Charity

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Packagaing Information and Guidance

Packaging Information and Guidance.

One of the main things that we pride ourselves in is trying to be a very ethical Company. This may sound ironic since we design and sell parts for European classic cars and Narrow Boats. It always reminds me of the Honda Diesel advert.

Where they advertise that diesal engines have been designed to be cleaner and help to reduce carbon admissions.

We at KABFA aim to do the same with any product that we make and sell; to help with our carbon foot print.

One of the main things that we do is aim to have everything that we produce to be made in the UK if possible. We are also very big on Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

At the moment, the packaging that we use to ship our products is plastic bags or tubs which can then be re-used by our customers. Wherever possible we try to use the minimal amount of packaging. So, at times your items may come in a reused corrugated cardboard box from our local shop.

I had someone attend the Packaging and Innovation Show at the NEC in Birmingham e on my behalf due to personal reasons. I am look for other ways that we could possibly package our products to make them more presentable for shops and shows.

We also intend to expand into Amazon to sell our products in addition to having the eBay store.

We look to use UK Companies wherever possible to stick with our belief that we should buy British whenever possible; and will continue to do so in order to achieve customer satisfaction and reduce our carbon foot print in the future.

At the moment I have products that can be brought though REDBUBBLE, with more companies/suppliers in the future.