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Showing posts with label Working from Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Working from Home. Show all posts

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Winter rising the gardening

  Winter rising the gardening

One of the thing that I still have not done yet this year is to winter rising garden and to plant my bulbs for next year. I always keep saying tomorrow and then it rains or the boys need me.

So my aim is to wineries the garden by 1st December this year and to make sure that I am ready for next year to start all over again.

Sunday, 20 September 2020

UK Produced/ Printed Fabric

 UK Produced/ Printed Fabric

One of the things that I am passionate about achieving for when I become self employed again is to have at lest 99.99% of everything that I sell to be hand made by self or my co-workers and to be made and produced with in the UK.

Dearly I am looking to work with business with in a 30 mile radius of where I live or work.

One thing that I have been looking at if Fabric that is produced or printed in the UK.  I love working with raw materials so that you can then use then to design anything you like yourself and to enable you end product to be bespoke or mass produced.

By aiming to keep my suppliers local I am aiming to create jobs within my local area and it will also enable me to work with these companies on a more personal level.

Yes Could have things made oversea and at half the prices but what quality will I get and what with the environmental impact be by do so in the long run.

SO my aim is to still make a design products for  Campervans, Classic Car and Narrowboat industry  and also people that are interested in natural handmade products with in their lives.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Time Management, Home Schooling, Working from Home

18th March 2020

Time Management.  Time Management, Home Schooling, Working from Home

Over the next couple of weeks time management is going to be very import to everyone. How many time have you said to your self “their is never enough hours in the day.”?

Over the next few week that is how I belie many of use are going to start to feel not to mention very stressed out and tired, both mentally and physically.

All I can say is take each day, day by day and make sure that you try to eat well and sleep well.

Many people will be currently looking at changing there life style with looking at working from home and home school their children.

Many of us will not just be worry about out selves but family and friends to.

So what can we do?

The fist thing that I am aiming to do with my family is aim to stick to the same routine that I would have stuck to as much as possible with a few changes thrown in.

My aim is to still wake up at the same time every day, eat at the same time every day and sleep at he same time every day.

With my children at home full time and not able to go any where I know that this will be very challenging and stressful. I will aim to keep each day fun and interesting for them. At the same time I will aim to carry on with my own every day routine like cooking, cleaning, taking care of the baby and working on my book.

I will start by breaking the day down into units of 20 minuets and aiming to do 20 minuet tasks just like I would do at eh weekend.

20 minuets breakfast
20 minuets get dressed
20 minuets work
20 minuets rest
20 minuets play
20 minuets snack
20 minuets rest
20 minuets work
20 minuets play
20 minuets work
20 play
20 lunch
20 rest

20 minuets (you get the picture) I am only looking at 20 minuet blocks to start off with due to the change of having 3 children at home full time and confined to a small space will be challenging.

I know that my attention span and able to do any thing is about 20 minuets. To chive more than this it take time and practice epically for children.

Some time my children will be happy to engage in an activity for longer than 20 minutes like watching TV or playing with cars.

But they can not so that every day, I would like then to continue with their education and I will be
need to look at fun ways to achieve this whilst maintaining day to day living too.

So I will see what support and guidance is offered to support me before Friday and then start to plans my daily activates.