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Charity Number 1159682

Charity of the Month

Charity of the Month
The Royal British Legion Charity

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

What am I making at the moment?

At the moment I am making hair fascinators/hats.  These are being sold on eBay and are all one offs like all of my work that I produce.

For more information about my bespoke products please view the following links and my eBay account.

Millinery is some thing that I have always had an interest in and some thing that I make looking at doing more of in the future,

November 2016

With the festive season just a round the corner, most people will be looking for gifts for their family, friends and love ones.

For some thing new or a bit different please follow the links below to my eBay account and to Volksbolts eBay account.  I also post information on my Facebook page and KABFA Blog too.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Summer 2016

At this moment in time the summer holidays have not gone how I would have liked them too.

Although I have spent every day with my children I have had an endless amount of meeting to attend and appointments.

This meant that I have not been able to do any thing "fun" with the children and staying at "home" seams to be all that we have done on a daily basis.

On occasions I have taken them to town and given them Ice Cream and Chocolate Cake.  I have also continued to take Callan Dancing and to visit the family.

But when it as come to my own "personal time" nothing seams to have been achieved.

I am hoping to review my book over the next couple of weeks and try to get the first 200 pages completed.